Terms and Conditions

Medigap-Quote.com is operated by Secure Medicare Solutions Inc., a national, independent Medicare insurance brokerage. In business since 2007, Secure Medicare Solutions Inc. has assisted thousands of Medicare beneficiaries in comparing and choosing a Medigap plan. By requesting to receive Medigap quotes by email, you are agreeing to receive Medigap quotes by email.

Many insurance companies do not allow their rates and plan information to be published online. Because of this, we send the information via email. We do not require you to provide any additional contact information with your request. We take your privacy very seriously. We do not like spam either. Additionally, Medigap-Quote.com does not, and will not, ever sell, or redistribute in any way, your personal information.

If you have questions about this or anything else on our website, please feel free to contact us at 877.506.3378 or contact us online.


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